Cyrilometodská cesta - Kultúrna cesta Rady Európy

the sixteenth stage of hiking

Vranov near Brno - Křtiny

Základné informácie o trase

The trail connects two unique pilgrimage sites in South Moravia: Vranov u Brna and Křtiny and leads us past the famous caves of the Moravian Karst: Jáchymka, Bull Rock, Church, Tooth of Time.

Čo nás čaká?

Starting point: Vranov near Brno

Ending point: Křtiny

Distance: 15,6 km

Estimated travel time: 5:02 hours

Obtiažnosť: stredná

Altitude: ascent 372 m, descent 420 m

Surface: mainly forest roads, paved roads

Critical points: In front of the portal of the cave Býčí skála and further on the part of the blue-marked tourist path from the cave of the Bull Rock through the cave of the Church to the road towards Křtiny, this part of the trail is closed in the period from March to June due to the nesting of the peregrine falcon. This section has to be passed by the road.

Náš tip:

From Adamov, from the signpost Adamov – nám., follow the blue hiking trail along Plotní Street. After 500 m you will approach the crossroads. Before this junction there is a turn to the right where there are garages. So turn towards the garages, walk to the end where behind the garages there is a beaten forest path along the Křtinský brook. Even if you miss the signpost Josefovské údolí – rozc., you will safely follow the blue tourist sign after 500 m, which will lead you to the signpost Stará Hut’ u Adamova.

Take enough food and drink with you, as there are sections of the trail without the possibility of buying food during the journey.

Čo môžeme vidieť?

Archeologické, pútnické, technické a prírodné pamiatky.

Pauline Monastery

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Church of St. Barbara

Spring of the Light of the Mother of God

The Old Ironworks near Adamov

Jáchymka Cave

Bull Rock

Church Cave

Church of the Virgin Mary

Křtiny Castle

Kde sa najesť a ubytovať?

Reštaurácie a ubytovanie na trase.

Spiritual Centre Vranov u Brna

Pension and restaurant in Grunta

Hotel Pod Horkou

Restaurant Castle

Pension At the Stone Wheel

EVC Švýcárna

Křtiny Castle

Pension at the Fausts

Pension Old Brewery

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Fotografie z putovania.

Prečo sa vydať na Cyrilometodskú cestu?

Diaľkové trasy Cyrilometodskej cesty vás pozývajú na pútnické miesta a archeologické náleziská, ktoré významne prispeli k rozvoju slovanskej kultúry. Sú značené v oboch smeroch a nabádajú k putovaniu bez hraníc, nielen štátnych.

Čo možno získať?

Snáď každý si z túry rád niečo prinesie, či už rôzne turistické a suvenírové predmety. Ak budete putovať po Cyrilometodskej ceste, pripravili sme pre vás nasledujúce tlačoviny, ktoré vás budú motivovať k putovaniu po tejto trase: