Cyrilometodská cesta - Kultúrna cesta Rady Európy

the eighth stage of hiking

Krakow - Mogilany

Základné informácie o trase

This section of the trail includes Krakow with its main churches and leads through the picturesque region of Krakow-Podgórze to Mogilany.

The Kraków section begins under the famous ‘Pope’s Window’ and leads through Planty Park and Wawel Hill – a unique place on the map of Poland with the former seat of the rulers, the Royal Castle and Wawel Cathedral. Then, following the Vistula River, the trail reaches Skałka – the site of the martyr’s death (1079) of Krakow’s Bishop Stanislaus, later a saint. Kurlandzki Avenue, which runs along the Vistula River, leads to Father Bernatek’s footbridge, which connects the historical Kazimierz district with Podgórze on the right bank of the Vistula River. Podgórze’s historical Market Square with the neo-Gothic St Joseph’s Church is located here, with a richly decorated church façade. From Podgórze the trail leads south to Łagiewniki – a place best known for the cult of St Faustyna and the Shrine of Divine Mercy and the Shrine of St John Paul II. The trail then leads to Swoszowice – the only spa in Poland located within the boundaries of a large city. There you can take a walk through the spa park, admire the typical 19th-century spa buildings and enjoy the beneficial sulphurous waters. In Swoszowice the trail leaves Kraków and leads to Mogilany.

Čo nás čaká?

Starting point: Krakow

Ending point: Mogilany

Distance: 22,7 km

Estimated travel time: 6:44 hours

Obtiažnosť: stredná

Altitude: ascent 458 m, descent 277 m

Surface: mainly paved roads.

Kritické body: žiadne

Náš tip:

Take enough food and drink with you, as there are sections of the trail without the possibility of buying food during the journey.

Čo môžeme vidieť?

Archeologické, pútnické, technické a prírodné pamiatky.

Castle Svetla nad Sazavou

Castle Světlá nad Sázavou

Castle Svetla nad Sazavou

Museum Světelska

Church of St. Wenceslas

Church of St. Wenceslas

Information centre Světlá nad Sázavou

Peasant Museum Michael's open-air museum

Peasant Museum Michael's open-air museum

Castle Okrouhlice

Castle Okrouhlice

Information centre Havlíčkův Brod

Museum Vysočina, Havlíčkův Brod

Vysočina Museum

Church in Havlíčkův Brod

Dean's Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Staffl´s bastion in Havlíčkův Brod

Staffel's Bastion

Park Future

Park Future

Havlíček Square and town houses

Kde sa najesť a ubytovať?

Reštaurácie a ubytovanie na trase.

Castle Svetla nad Sazavou

Castle Světlá


Restaurant and Hotel Barbora

Pension Villa Amenity

Dublin bar

Březinka Mill

Pension Hurikán 63

Pension Starr

Pension Jantar

Hostinec U Palánů

Hotel At the Golden Lion

Pension U Kroupů

Apartment U Truhláře

Pension U Kroupů

Hotel At the Golden Lion

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Fotografie z putovania.

Prečo sa vydať na Cyrilometodskú cestu?

Diaľkové trasy Cyrilometodskej cesty vás pozývajú na pútnické miesta a archeologické náleziská, ktoré významne prispeli k rozvoju slovanskej kultúry. Sú značené v oboch smeroch a nabádajú k putovaniu bez hraníc, nielen štátnych.

Čo možno získať?

Snáď každý si z túry rád niečo prinesie, či už rôzne turistické a suvenírové predmety. Ak budete putovať po Cyrilometodskej ceste, pripravili sme pre vás nasledujúce tlačoviny, ktoré vás budú motivovať k putovaniu po tejto trase: