Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

Outputs from conference

Stefano Dominioni

Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes in Luxembourg

Peter Ivanič

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius, University of Constantine the Philosopher Nitra:
European values in relation to the Cyril and Methodius heritage.

Slavia Barlieva

Deputy Director of the Cyril and Methodius Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia: Bulgarian Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius as part of the Cyril and Methodius Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

Dana Daňová

Chairwoman of the Managing Committee of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius: Strategy Development of the Cyril and Methodius Route 2030

Massimo Tedeschi

European Route Via Francigena: Active involvement of members in the development of the cultural route

Don Raimondo Sinibaldi

European Association Romea Strata: PromoTour Tallinn - Krakow - Velehrad - Aquileia - Rome, Cultural Routes 5.0 project

Conference Speakers

Petr Hirsch

Ultreia: Pilgrimage in 21st century along St. James and Cyrillo-Methodian trails

Tomáš Raboch

European Route of Industrial Heritage: Example of good practice in the operation of an international route

Conference Speakers

Tatiana Mikušová

Slovak House of Centrope: Tourism Product of the Cyril and Methodius Route


Martina Janochová
+420 733 161 674


European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius, IALE
J. A. Bati 5520
760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic

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web by Martin Peterka