Cyrilometodějská stezka – Kulturní stezka Rady Evropy

Evropská kulturní stezka sv. Cyrila a Metoděje

Interest Association of  Legal Entities

Sdružení Evropská kulturní stezka sv. Cyrila a Metoděje (EKSCM)

European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius is an Association based in the Czech Republic established in 2013. It has promoted the living legacy of Cyril and Methodius. It has also promoted the values based on respect and a dialogue between people of different cultures and faiths. The Cyril and Methodius Route is a product of cultural tourism developed by the Association. It was awarded the title of the Kulturní stezka Rady Evropy in 2021.
The Association is responsible for the Route’s management and marketing, supporting research on cultural heritage, organizing thematic events. Moreover it develops transnational tourism products, such as the Cyril and Methodius signposted trails. Through its joint activities, the Association contributes to the promotion of modern Europeanism and its values. Currently, the Association has 36 members from 10 countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, North Macedonia and Poland). The Association is opened to welcome more members and partners, especially in Central, South-Western, and South-Eastern Europe.

Cultural Route
Cyrilometodějská stezka

Vize rozvoje sdružení

The Cyril and Methodius Route – the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe – builds on the thousand-year old cultural tradition. The Route links in particular to the culture of the Slavic nations. It is a lasting support and inspiration for its timeless dimension created by morally strong and educated personalities – Saints Cyril and Methodius and their disciples.
Linking unique monuments and traditions (tangible and intangible heritage) under the umbrella brand, it expands the range of products. These are offered in the area of sustainable international cultural tourism and strengthens collective memory.
By disseminating the positive European values that Saints Cyril and Methodius created in the 9th century and continue to create as co-patron saints of Europe, the Route contributes to modern Europeanism – understanding, culturally friendly dialogue, and the unity of the continent.

Cyril and Methodius Cultural Route

The Cyril and Methodius Route is the first route focusing on Slavic cultural heritage recognized by the Council of Europe. It is the first certified route originating and based in the Czech Republic. It builds on the millennium-old Cyril and Methodius cultural tradition. It provides a lasting support and inspiration due to its timeless dimension created by morally strong and most erudite personalities – Saints Cyril and Methodius and their disciples.
The cultural route in the footsteps of the story of ‘Apostles to the Slavs’ brings knowledge and awareness through experience. It links partners from the locations connected with the mission (following the itinerary the missionaries and their pupils). There the Cyril and Methodius tradition and education spread after the demise of Great Moravia. Here are still focal points of Cyril and Methodius devotion and veneration. The cultural route has been designed both as a set of linear marked trails and as a network of geographically disparate sites (monuments). It has great potential in 24 European countries.

Activities of the Cultural Route

Study visit in Nitra Region, ECRCM Association


Síť EKSCM provozuje zájmové sdružení právnických osob založené podle českého práva. V následující části představujeme orgány sdružení a "kdo je kdo".

Study visit in Modrá, ECRCM Association


EKSCM financuje svou činnost z členských příspěvků a projektových grantů. Pokud máte zájem podpořit EKSCM a její cíle, staňte se našimi členy.

Cultural Route of the Council of Europe, ECRCM Association


Program Kulturní stezky Rady Evropy se řídí Rozšířenou dílčí dohodou za účasti Rady Evropy.