Cyrilometodějská stezka – Kulturní stezka Rady Evropy


The European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius certified as a ‘Cultural Route of the Council of Europe’

On 28-29 April 2021, the Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) approved the certification of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius, adding the programme to 45 certified Cultural Routes.

The ECRCM believes that its recognition as a Council of Europe Cultural Route is the best way to acknowledge the cultural, political and Christian identity of the Slavs in the member states, especially in the countries that have subscribed the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes. 

The Cultural Routes programme of the Council of Europe is governed by the Enlarged Partial Agreement with the participation of the Council of Europe, European Commission and as many as 28 countries. More countries are added every year, both members and non-members of the Council of Europe.

The programme is based on Resolution CM/Res(2013)66, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 18/12/2013, which confirmed the Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) on Cultural Routes, established in 2010: CM/Res(2010) 52 and 53.

The central goal of this programme is to contribute towards the promotion of European identity and citizenship through knowledge and awareness of the common heritage of Europe and the development of cultural links and dialogue within Europe as well as with other countries and regions.

The Cultural Routes programme of the Council of Europe seeks to form a common cultural space through the development of cultural routes in order to encourage sensibility towards heritage, education, the creation of networks, high-quality international sustainable tourism and other related activities.

A Council of Europe Cultural Route is a cooperation project in the field of European Cultural Heritage, Education and Tourism, aimed at the development and promotion of one or several routes based on a historic trail, a cultural concept, an individual or a phenomenon with international importance and significance, tending towards understanding and respect for common European values. It may be a physical route or a network of heritage sites.