Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe


The European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius maps the life, work and associated tradition of Saints Cyril and Methodius and their followers. Since 2013, the development of the cultural route has been managed by the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius (hereinafter EKSCM) with the Permanent Secretariat based in Zlín, Czech Republic. The Association currently has 19 members and 3 observers from 7 countries (CZ, SK, GR, SI, HU, BG, SRB) and looks for other members and partners, especially in the Danube and the Adriatic Ionian region. The Route develops as a set of linear route and as an atomized network of points of interest. The Association is responsible for its management and marketing, supports cultural heritage research and thematic events. The Cyril and Methodius Route is an umbrella brand for various ECRCM activities, such as creating a transnational tourism offer such as the marked Cyril and Methodius trails. The Cyril and Methodius Route can be described as the first transnational cultural route with the theme of the cultural roots of Slavic countries. The Route has the ambition to connect up to 24 countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe with a common theme of European heritage, i.e. territories that were significantly influenced by the Cyril and Methodius mission in the 9th century.

The ECRCM Association, founded and significantly supported by the Zlín Region and its East Moravian Tourist Authority in strong cooperation with other members, received the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe certification for its international project Cyril and Methodius Route, which is also the first route focused on Slavic cultural heritage. This unique recognition, comparable perhaps only to registration with UNESCO, represents a great opportunity for international cultural tourism. The aim of the ECRCM is to ensure the sustainability of international partnership and cooperation on the creation of the Cyril and Methodius Route and thus also the presentation of the local heritage and the story of the cultural identity of the Slavic countries on a European scale.

Articles of the Association

Strategy of the Route


The General Assembly is the highest body of the Association. It consists of all regular members of the Association and is governed by the Chairperson of the Association. Each regular member has one vote at the General Assembly, whether it is a region or a small municipality. The body thus decides by a democratic majority. Associate members who have only an advisory vote may also attend the General Assembly.


The Chairperson of the Association is an honorary representative position. It participates in important events with an impact on the fulfilment of the Association's objectives and acts in favour of the achievement of these objectives. The Chairperson is elected and recalled by the General Assembly. The term of office is 2 years. Chairpersons of the Association: Ladislav Kryštof, Councillor of the Zlín region (2013-2017), Jan Pijáček, Councillor of the Zlín Region (2017-2020), Lubomír Traub, Councillor of the Zlín region (since 2021).


The Director is the statutory body of the Association, which is appointed unanimously by the founding members. The Director is responsible for the management, personnel policy and performance of the tasks of the Permanent Secretariat. S/he chairs the General Assembly in the absence of the Chairperson of the Association. Directors of the Association: Dana Daňová (2013-2015), Martina Janochová (2016-2021), Zuzana Vojtová (since 2021).


The Managing Committee is composed of founding members of the Association and members from higher territorial self-governing units (regions). The Committee participates in the formation of strategies and co-decides on the use of membership fees. It performs the function of a control body. It formulates proposals for strategic direction and sets up an action plan. Chairpersons of the Committee: Miloš Bača, Office of the Nitra Self-Governing Region, Department of Culture and Sports (2016-2021,), Dana Daňová, mayor of Jasenná Municipality (since 2021).


The Permanent Secretariat is the executive, coordinating and administrative body of the Association. One of its main activities is looking for various sources of funding for sub-projects at the regional, national and transnational levels from various grant titles. It is a contact office for members and other partners of the Route. Staff members: Martina Janochová, Martin Peterka.


The Scientific Committee is a multidisciplinary body, bringing together experts from various fields of science and research in order to ensure a scientific approach to the development of the theme of the Route and its cultural and historical interpretation. The Committee consists of the Chairperson and its other members, who are appointed by the General Assembly. Chairpersons of the committee: prof. Pavel Ambros SJ CMTF, Palacký University Olomouc (2016-2017), prof. Peter Ivanič, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra (since 2018).


The National Coordinator initiates the all-round development and expansion of the Association's partner network in the country in which s/he was elected by regular members of the Association. The National Coordinator is obliged to always act in accordance with all strategic documents, especially with the approved international strategy for the development of the Cyril and Methodius Route - the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. The National Coordinator initiates the National Strategy and the National Action Plan for the Development of the Cyril and Methodius Route - Cultural Route of the Council of Europe.


The establishment of International Expert Committees is a tool for building the ECRCM, which must be representative of European values and common to several European countries. IECs are made up of experts who are involved in established and functioning national networks within expert working groups. The international level of the members of the working groups includes experts from organizations, associations and ministries of the member countries. They work together on the development of building the ECRCM in the sense of the approved ECRCM Development Strategy.