Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

Kokory - Dub nad Moravou

Tomášková-Dytrychová Bell Workshop

The bell-making workshop in Brodek u Přerova was founded in 1950 by Josef and Laetitia Dytrych. Bells from this workshop ring all over the world: In Japan, in Ukraine, in Texas, USA, in Yakutia, Russia, in South Africa, Australia, Poland, Austria, Italy, Sweden, England, Ireland, Germany, etc. Annual production is around 150-300 bells of all sizes. The largest bells made in the Tomášková-Dytrychová bell workshop weigh around 2 to 5 tons. Bell chimes are the pinnacle of bell-making art. The chimes of 22 bells also decorate the village of Brodek u Přerova. A representative sample of the work of the bell workshop can also be seen in the Komenský Museum in Přerov.